Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Thymoma cancer has a powerful treatment with immunotherapy.

Thymoma arises in cells of the thymus. The appropriate cause of this tumour is not known, but DNA mutation causes all types of cancer. This cancer is found very rarely that's why it is one of the rare leading causes of cancer death across the world. Now, immunotherapy is introduced as advanced treatment of various cancers such as thymoma.  Immunotherapeutic cancer agents enhance the potential of the immune system to fight with cells of thymus cancer.

For thymoma treatment, there is not even one immunotherapeutic cancer agent was approved by Food and Drug Administration (FDA), but many more are under clinical trials.

Belinostatis a kinase inhibitor and have anti-neoplastic activity. It inhibits it to hydroxamic acid type histone deacetylase (HDAC) enzyme, thus inhibiting angiogenesis, inhibiting cell proliferation, and encouraging cellular differentiation. This drug is running phase II of clinical trials and its clinical trial identifier number is NCT00589290.

Sunitinib is a tyrosine kinase inhibitor drug and having anti-neoplastic activity. It inhibits Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 2 (VEGFR 2). This drug is running in phase II of clinical trials and its clinical trial identifier number is NCT01621568.

Saracatinib is a protein kinase inhibitor drug. It inhibits SRC and ABL, both are tyrosine kinases. This drug is in running in phase II of clinical trials and its clinical trial identifier number is NCT00718809.

Cetuximab is a chimeric MAB and having anti-neoplastic activity. It inhibits to Epithelial Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) to interrupt the development and metastasis of this tumour. This drug is running in phase II of clinical trials and its clinical trial identifier number is NCT01025089.
Cixutumumab is a MAB drug and having anti-neoplastic activity. It inhibits to human insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor (IGF-1R). This drug is running in phase II of clinical trials and its clinical trial identifier number is NCT00965250.

Bevacizumab is also a MAB drug and act as an angiogenesis inhibitor. It inhibits to VEGFR. This drug is running in phase II of clinical trials in combination with Erlotinib drug and its clinical trial identifier number is NCT00369889. This drug is also used for the treatment of advanced breast cancer. 

Global Allied Pharmaceuticals (GAP) has a team of experts to provide immunotherapy and immune oncology services to gives better response in cancer world. GAP has number of immunotherapeutic cancer agents for the treatment of various types of cancer such as lung, bone, thymoma and much more.

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