Thursday 29 January 2015

Cancer can be tough but there is something that can still break it.

Uterine cancer is one of the commonest gynecological cancers, especially in white Americans. It is the seventh most common disorder across the world.  It occurs most often in postmenopausal women (up to 80% of cases), about 5% diagnosed less than 40 years of age. According to the American Cancer Society (ACS), more than 52,500 newly cases are diagnosed, while more than 8,500 cases of deaths with uterine cancer that estimated in 2014. To increases survival rate of this cancer, researchers applied immunotherapy for the treatment of this cancer.

There is no effective screening programmed, but occasionally cervical smears containing endometrial cancer cells or double thickness endometrial ultrasonic thickness of 4mm or more indicates a need for endometrial sampling

The actual cause of this cancer is unknown. There can be no doubt that estrogen can alter the behavior of this tumour but there is still a question about estrogen as a primary causal agent. Estrogen secreting tumors of the ovary are associated with an increased incidence of endometrial carcinoma. Estrogen given alone as in postmenopausal Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT).

Approximately 75% of cases of this cancer occur in the postmenopausal period when estrogen values are low and progesterone is absent. Null parity and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) with defective progesterone synthesis carry an increased risk. After long term use of oral contraceptives (birth control pills) reduces the incidence of both endometrial and ovarian carcinomas.The usual presenting symptom of this cancer is postmenopausal bleeding which carries a 10% risk of associated malignancy in the absence of hormone replacement therapy. 

The treatment of uterine cancer with immunotherapy that involves Dentritic Cell immunotherapy, adoptive T cell therapy, and immune-modulator.  In dentritic cell immunotherapy, processed antigens have capability to enhance the potential of patient’s immune system to fight with specific cancer cells. Immature form of dentritic cells are loaded tumour antigens such as tumour lysate, which exist as mRNA. (Immatureforms of dentritic cells are able to capturedand processed antigens, after interaction with chemokine receptors and its ligands, this cell migrate to the lymph nodes). 

Global Allied Pharmaceuticals (GAP) has new technology to developed advanced treatment of uterine cancer on the basis of immune oncology and immunotherapy. GAP has a team of experts for conducting clinical trials for new immunotherapeutic cancer agents, which are used in immunotherapy.

For more information kindly visit us at

Wednesday 28 January 2015

Cure of cervical cancer patients is possible with immunotherapy.

Cancer that begins in the cervix (part of human female reproductive system) is known as cervical cancer. The normal cells of cervix changes into abnormal cells due to DNA mutation (mutation caused by Human Papilloma Virus, also named as HPV), and cause this cancer. This cancer is one of the leading causes of the death related to cancer across the world. According to analysis it is found that about 12,500 newly cases are diagnosed and about 4,000 cases of death related to this cancer, in 2014. More patients are cured with the help of immunotherapy

Cervical cancer begins in cells on the surface of the cervix can be benign or malignant. Benign are not a form of cancer and not as harmful as malignant (cancer). Benign forms of this cancer are rarely a threat to life, and do not invade the tissues around them. Malignant forms of this cancer may be a threat to life can invade the tissues and organs around them, and can spread (metastasis) to other parts of the body. Over time, the cervical cancer can invade more deeply into the cervix and nearby tissues.

The classification of stages of this cancer is based on where cancer cells are found that involve stage I, stage II, stage III, and stage IV. These are the stages of invasive cervical cancer. Stage I of this tumor has invaded only in the cervix nearby the top layer of cells. Stage II of this tumor does not invade to the pelvic wall and extends nearby tissues toward the pelvic wall. Stage III of this tumor has invaded the pelvic wall extends to the lower part of the vagina. Stage IV of this tumor invades the bladder or rectum or the cancer has spread to other parts of the body.

Any symptoms are seen in an early stage of this tumour is found in very rare case. Almost symptoms are seen in advanced stages that involve abnormal vaginal discharge including bleeding (bleeding after sex, bleeding after menopause, and irregular menstrual cycle), pelvic pain during sex, and infections. 
Cervarix and Gardasil, both are therapeutic vaccines as well as immunotherapeutic cancer agents, have received Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for the treatment of this cancer. Both vaccines are indicated for the prevention of this cancer, which is caused by HPV. Much more immunotherapeutic cancer agents are under process of FDA approval for this cancer.

Global Allied Pharmaceuticals (GAP) has technology to treat various cancers with immunotherapy and immune combination therapy, and gives 100 percent positive results. GAP has a team of experts for development of advanced treatments on the basis of immunotherapeutic cancer agents.

Further more information about us, kindly visit at

Tuesday 27 January 2015

Immunotherapy brings in a new hope for breast cancer patients.

The term breast cancer refers to a malignant tumor that has developed from cells in the breast.  This cancer is found in both gender, but mostly in women.Usually breast cancer either begins in the cells of the lobules (which are the milk producing glands), or the ducts (the passages that drain milk from the lobules to the nipple). This cancer can begin in the fatty and fibrous connective tissues of the breast. After sometimes cells of tumour can invade surrounding to tissues and organs. Immunotherapy based drugs have specific target cells or receptors to inhibits breast cancer.

Several factors increases the risk of having breast cancer,that involve gender (1 in every 150 cases in male), age (Over 80% of all female breast cancers occur among women age of 50 years), personal history (Previous cancer history or benign breast lump), family history (Breast cancer risk is higher among women whose close blood relatives have this disease), the Breast Cancer Genes (Women who carry the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes has 40- 85% risk ), early menarche ( below 12 years old), late menopause (above 55 years old), having no children, having a first full term pregnancy after age of 25 year, never breast feeding, using certain kind of birth control pill (Progesterone only), use of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), increased daily fat intake (especially saturated or hydrogenated fats), breast radiation early in life (Women who have had radiation treatment to the chest area as a child or young adult have a greatly risk), and tobacco smoke.

Studies show that eating a lot of red or processed meats is associated with a higher risk of breast cancer. A healthy diet such as rich in fruits and vegetables, low fat diet, and low salted diet is generally recommended.Being overweight is associated with increased risk of breast cancer, especially for women after menopause, and having more fat tissue means having higher estrogen levels, which can increase breast cancer risk.

Immunotherapy based immunotherapeutic cancer agents such as Bevacizumab, Anti-OX40 antibody;Margetuximab, GlembatumumabVedotin, and much more are under evaluation of various phases of the clinical trials under safety and efficacy study to receive Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for the treatment of breast cancer. Trastuzumab and Lapatinib have received approval by the FDA for the treatment of this cancer.

Global Allied Pharmaceuticals (GAP) has a team of experts to provide immune oncology and immunotherapy services for the breast cancer patients.
For more information, kindly visit us at

Monday 26 January 2015

Immunotherapy increase the level of treatment for cervical cancer.

A slow growing cancercan be asymptomatic in early stages. Cells of the cervix become abnormal and start to grow uncontrollably, forming tumors. Preceded by dysplasia, it changes precancerous on the cervix, towards invasive carcinoma.In United States, accounts for 86% of all cancers in women and the peak incidence between the age range of 50 to 55 years. The second most common cancer in the United States with more than 400,000 new cases diagnosed each year. It is observed that the incidence is very high in developing countries.Now, immunotherapy drug uses to saves more lives of cervical cancer patients.
Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) spreads through sexual intercourse; it is high risk strains 16 and 18, which cause 70% of all cervical cancer. Other risk factors include having sex an early age, multiple sexual partners, use of diethylstilbestrol drug during pregnancy, long term use of birth control pills, compromised immune system, infections with genital herpes or chronic chlamydial, poor living standards, smoking, and multiple pregnancies.

Early cervical cancer may be asymptomatic, but symptoms include continuous discharge from vagina, abnormal bleeding through vagina during periods, after intercourse, bleeding after menopause, longer and heavier periods than usual.Symptoms of advanced cervical cancer include pelvic pain, fatigue, back pain, single swollen leg, leg pain, heavy bleeding from the vagina, leakage of urine or feces from the vagina, bone fracture, and loss of appetite and weight loss.
This cancer isclassified into six histological types that involve Squamous cell carcinoma (85-90%, rise from ectocervix), Adenocarcima (10-15%, rise from endocervix, common in young groups), Adenosquamous (mix of endometriod and clear cell), Adenomamalignum (extremely well differentiated adenocarcinoma), Small cell carcinoma, and neuroendocrine carcinoma.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved many immunotherapeutic cancer agents for the treatment of cervical cancer after evaluation under clinical trials. Bevacizumab has received FDA approval for the treatment of metastatic condition of this cancer, in combination with Topotecan and Paclitaxel. Many immunotherapeutic cancer agents are still under evaluation of clinical trials for FDA approval such as ADXS11-001 (Lm-LLO-E7), E6 TCR, and HPV16 E7 peptide-pulsed autologous DCs.

Global Allied Pharmaceuticals (GAP) has new technology to developed advanced treatment based on immunotherapy and antibody drug conjugate. GAP has experts for conducting experiments and clinical trials of newly developed immunotherapeutic cancer agents that involves monoclonal antibodies, therapeutic vaccines, adoptive T cell therapy and many more.

Thursday 22 January 2015

Why Helminthic Immunotherapy Can Make All the Difference in Treating your Autoimmune Disease.

If you’re suffering from autoimmune diseases or Crohn or ulcerative colitis or multiple sclerosis or inflammatory bowel disease or allergies or asthma and you have no idea what helminthic immunotherapy is yet, then you should definitely take a look, because indeed with their strong potential for being highly effective at combatting the symptoms of all these diseases, you don’t want to miss these benefits.

In this blogpost we’re going to cover what you’ll need to know as a start about this type of therapy to be able to understand how it works at least if you’re ever pondering to use it someday.
So what is a Helminth in the first place?
They’re parasitic worms such as hookworms or tapeworms and they’re responsible for the modification of immune response disorders via the use of the worms or their ova , which is exactly what Immunotherapy is actually , with the difference that it’s mainstream approaches mostly use chemical agents whether natural or not .

So how does this treatment take place?
It’s as simple as introducing the worm or its ova depending on the disease inside the patient.

Do these types of worms have several types that I should know?
They have rather complicated names, but to simplify it, here are the most commonly used helminths for treatment:
Human whipworm eggs, hook worms, rattapeworm, and pig whipworm eggs

And what types of diseases these worms can be used upon?
Mainly they’re highly effective towards the symptoms and disease disorders such as autoimmune diseases relapse, multiple sclerosis inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn disease, ulcerative colitis, allergies and asthma. 

It’s also been reported that their presence in less developed countries could be the cause of a lesser rate of autoimmune diseases as opposed to industrialized countries which have a higher rate.

Does this type of Immunotherapy have an exact mechanism based upon which it works?
So far scientists haven’t found an exact mechanism and thus it’s still unknown how it’s responsible for all these types of effects.

Though there has been several mechanisms that the researchers proposed that could explain why they’re effective as they are, here’s one hypothesis they proposed:
The effects undergone by the helminths could be effective because of the modulation of the dendritic functions and the repolarization of Th1/Th2 responses.

Wrapping up, you now have a basic grasp on helminthic immunotherapy, what are these helminths, why they could be effective as they, and what are their exact uses currently